Thursday, September 3, 2009

Summer's almost over!

We've just been keeping busy doing the normal stuff. Trying to enjoy the nice weather as much as possible with walks to one of the nearby parks in the evenings. Paul is still pretty busy with work. I'm still not back yet until things slow down for him and Cooper is a little more predictable. He has started eating solids-a little rice cereal, avocado and banana. He totally loves it. He goes down well at night but no, to answer the most FAQ, he's not sleeping through the night. But at least I'm not expecting him to so I'm not disappointed! He had his 4 month appt last month and is almost 14 pounds. As far as percentiles he's 25th weight, 50th height. Still a bit smaller than Gabe at the same time. He's rolling around and overall doing really great. Gabe finished his little 6 week day class. I think I'm going to wait until he's 3 so he can do the preschool-like class they offer. He "graduated" to the next level in swim lessons...he is now a tadpole. (Which makes me think, what comes before a tadpole?!) Anyway, they start trying to wean the parent out of the pool. It will probably take a couple classes until we're at that point. And Cooper starts swimming lessons next month, can't wait!
I almost forgot the excitement from today-Gabe rode his tricycle down the sidewalk past at least 2 houses. The most he'd done before was several pedals in row. And, I caught it on tape!
Auntie Brandie will be up for a visit at the end of the month. We're really looking forward to that. We are all going to do a little getaway to MI together while she's here. Should be fun.
Of course we're thinking about the next thing to do on the house. We are almost finished with the front door which looks really nice. Probably going to be doing windows before winter. We're planning on building bunk beds too soon since Gabe will need a 'big boy bed' before too long so Cooper can have the crib. Always something but that's how we roll.