Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 9-21, 2008 Trip to see Gram and Gramps and Aunt Brandie

Mommy and I flew down to Arizona on the airplane. She got me really excited about this plane ride but I slept on the plane so it didn't seem that fun. Gram and Gramps and Aunt Brandie sure were glad to see me. I got used to being at their house pretty quickly. We went swimming every day. I got so much attention. I got to play with new toys and their vaccuum...I had a great time. I talked to Daddy on the computer screen a couple of times. I tried to get him to hold me but it didn't work out. But after a week he was in Arizona with us. We threw a pool party at the house and Aunt Brandie's friends came to visit. All in all, it was an excellent vacation. I was very sad to go, so were they.

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