Monday, June 8, 2009

Cooper is 2 months old

Cooper went for his 2 month pediatrician's appointment this past week. He was around the 25th percentile: 10 lb 14 oz. Gabe was a whole pound bigger at the same time. So Cooper is a little guy I guess. Fine with me!
Cooper and Gabe are still getting along very well. Gabe loves to try and help. Whenever Cooper is crying he says "do you need to pick him up?"
I took Gabe for his first movie at the theatre. It was great. I don't think he quite understood what he was in for. I tried explaining it would be on a big screen and we would sit in special seats, etc. We got our tickets, he took his and handed it to the ticket taker. Then I let him pick out any candy he wanted, of course he chose sour patch kids. When we went in the theatre it was already dark and we sat down...he was totally stunned, mouth open, staring at the screen. To top it off, it was 3D. I didn't think he would keep the glasses on but he did for the whole entire movie! He just sat there so good. I probably had as much fun watching him as he had watching the movie. I can't wait to take him to the next one!

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